Sustainability related product labelling in China

This project examines the institutionalisation of Chinese product labelling schemes across different fields, drawing conclusions for the planned implementation of a Chinese carbon labelling scheme. Amongst others, the research focusses on organic certification in the dairy sector, also looking at transformations in the dairy supply chain and their environmental as well as food safety implications. Comparisons are made with recent developments in the UK. The research is co-funded by the SCI and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at Fudan University, China.

Conference Presentations

Presentation “Sustainable Consumption Institute Projects in China – Overview and Preliminary Findings” at the Scorai ‘Workshop on Sustainable Consumption Research in China’ November, Renmin University of China, Beijing (China).

Dendler, L; Dewick, P. ‘Institutional entrepreneurship and sustainable consumption and production: national processors and institutional change in China’s dairy industry’. Paper presented at the Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, University of Leeds, UK (16.09.2014).

Panel Speech on the ‘Future of Consumerism in Asia-Research and Policy Perspectives’ at the ‘Global Transitions to Sustainable Production and Consumption Systems’ GRF SCP conference, Fudan University, Shanghai (China).

Dendler, L; Dewick, P.; Chen, S. ‘Focal organisations and sustainable consumption and production systems: institutional entrepreneurship in China’s dairy industry’. Paper presented at the Global Transitions to Sustainable Production and Consumption Systems GRF SCP conference, Fudan University, China (10.06.2014).

Dendler, L  & Dewick, P. ‘Institutionalisation of organic labelling in the People’s Republic of China’. Paper presented at the Global Transitions to Sustainable Production and Consumption Systems GRF SCP conference, Fudan University, China (09.06.2014).